C# Namespace

In C#, namespaces are a way to organize code and avoid name conflicts by grouping related classes, interfaces, structs, enums, and delegates under a specific name. For example, there are few built-in namespaces within .NET such as System, System.Linq, System.Web, etc.

The .NET Framework uses namespaces to organize its built-in classes and provides a context for identifiers to avoid ambiguity when similar names are used in different parts of a program.

Key Points about Namespace:

  1. Purpose: Grouping of related classes and types together.

  2. Avoid Naming Conflicts: When two or more libraries have the same class name, namespaces helps to distinguish between them.


In C#, a namespace can be defined by using the namespace keyword.

namespace NamespaceName 
    // Class, interface, struct  
    public class MyClass
        public void MyMethod()
            Console.WriteLine("Hello from MyClass!");

Example 1: Basic Namespace Example

using System;

namespace MyNamespace
    public class Greeting
        public void SayHello()
            Console.WriteLine("Hello from MyApplication namespace!");

namespace AnotherNamespace
    public class Greeting
        public void SayHello()
            Console.WriteLine("Hello from AnotherNamespace!");

class Program
    static void Main()
        MyApplication.Greeting myGreeting = new MyApplication.Greeting();
        myGreeting.SayHello(); // Outputs: Hello from MyApplication namespace!

        AnotherNamespace.Greeting anotherGreeting = new AnotherNamespace.Greeting();
        anotherGreeting.SayHello();  // Outputs: Hello from AnotherNamespace!

In the above example, two Greeting classes are defined in different namespaces (MyApplication and AnotherNamespace). By using namespaces, both classes can co-exist in the same program without causing any conflicts.

Example 2: Nested Namespace

C# language also supports nested namespaces, it is a namespace within another namespace.

using System;

namespace OuterNamespace
    namespace InnerNamespace
         public class InnerClass
            public void Display()
                Console.WriteLine("Inside InnerNamespace");

class Program
    static void Main()
        OuterNamespace.InnerNamespace.InnerClass obj = new OuterNamespace.InnerNamespace.InnerClass();
        obj.Display();  // Outputs: Inside InnerNamespace

Example 3: Using using Directive

Instead of fully qualifying the namespace every time, you can use the using directive to simplify access to the classes in a namespace.

using MyApplication;  // Import the namespace
class Program
    static void Main()
        Greeting greeting = new Greeting();  // Now you don't need to write MyApplication.Greeting

Example 4: Aliasing a Namespace

Sometimes, you want to use an alias for a namespace to shorten its name or to avoid naming conflicts.

using SystemCollection = System.Collections;

using Program
    static void Main()
        SystemCollection.ArrayList list = new SystemCollection.ArrayList();
        list.Add("Hello, world!");
        Console.WriteLine(list[0]);  // Outputs: Hello, world!

Example 5: Importing Multiple Namespaces

You can also import multiple namespaces to use classes from them without fully qualifying the names or without creating object separately.

using System;
using System.Collections.Generic;

class Program
    static void Main()
        List<string> myList = new List<string>();

        foreach (var item in myList)
            Console.WriteLine (item);


Namespaces in C# are basically used to:

  • Organize the code logically.
  • Avoid naming conflicts between different libraries, classes or parts of the program.
  • Group related types together for better readability and maintainability.

By using namespaces, you can structure your code, making it easier to navigate and maintain it, especially in very large applications.